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Use full shortcut keys for sublime text 3

Amazing shortcut keys for sublime text 3

Today i define how to use many shortcut keys in sublime text 3. When you will doing your programming skills when you will need these all shortcut keys and these shortcut keys very helpful for you. These shortcut keys for only windows user. If you have no sublime text 3 you will download here free with registration.

ctrl + shift + p
This shortcut key is use to set snippets, set syntax for example you will wrote hmtl now you will see html structure is created. This shortcut key also use for handle menu bar option control just you will enter the option name like you will wrote just save all your document will be saved. this is first image

ctrl + p
This shortcut key is use to open any file of you project. Like this you will wrote index.php you will see index.php file open.

ctrl + r
ctrl + shift + r
These two shortcut keys are use to do same work just different between crtl+r and crtl+shift+r. Search content on single file rather then ctrl+shift+r search content all files in our project.

ctrl + d
ctrl + mouse-click, mouse-click, mouse-click…
If  you want to select same word just press crtl+d. For example "imran" is a word and "imran" word is use to multiple time in you project now you will press him ctrl+d, you will see all "imran" word is selected.

shift + F11
You will see your code full screen on you computer screen.

ctrl + k + b
This shortcut key is use to sublime text 3 project side bar panel hide or show.
ctrl + /
This shortcut key is use to comment your code.

ctrl + shift + d
This shortcut key is use to duplicate any text.

alt + shift + 1 to 4
alt + shift + 5
It's shortcut key is very wonderful. You will opened multiple file with in you project.
Sublime text 3 shortcut keys

ctrl + G
This shortcut key is use to go any line fast. Just you will wrote the line number.


I hope this tutorial was help full for you. If you like this tutorial don't forget to share with every one and give me you feedback.