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what is e-commerce define full with types free


In it's simple list from e-commerce is the buying and selling products and services by businesses and customer over the internet.

E-Commerce for

There are four types of e-commerce.

  1. Business To Business (B2B)
  2. Business To Customer (B2c)
  3. Business To Government (B2G)
  4. Customer To Customer (C2C)

Business To Business (B2B)

Business to business (B2B) is simply define as e-commerce between companies about 80% of e-commerce is of this type example. intel(Microprocessor selling) to Dell and Compaq and other companies.

Business To Customer (B2C)

Business to customer (B2B) as e-commerce between companies and customer involves customer gathering information purchasing physical goods or receiving product over and electronics network example dell selling me a laptop.

Business To Government (B2G)

Business to government (B2G) is generally define as commerce between companies and the public sector. If refers to the use of the internet for public procurement licensing procedures and other government related operations
    Businesses pay taxes, file reports or sale goods and services agencies.

Customer To Customer (C2C)

Customer to customer (C2C) is simply commerce between private individual and customer example a asif buying a mobile form nadeen