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Angularjs information for beginners.

2. Why to use AngularJS?
There are following reasons to choose AngularJS as a web development framework:
1. It is based on MVC pattern which helps you to organize your web apps or web application properly.
2. It extends HTML by attaching directives to your HTML markup with new attributes or tags and expressions
in order to define very powerful templates.
3. It also allows you to create your own directives, making reusable components that fill your needs and
abstract your DOM manipulation logic.
4. It supports two-way data binding i.e. connects your HTML (views) to your JavaScript objects (models)
seamlessly. In this way any change in model will update the view and vice versa without any DOM
manipulation or event handling.
5. It encapsulates the behaviour of your application in controllers which are instantiated with the help of
dependency injection.
6. It supports services that can be injected into your controllers to use some utility code to fulfil your need.
For example, it provides $http service to communicate with REST service.
7. It supports dependency injection which helps you to test your angular app code very easily.
8. Also, AngularJS is mature community to help you. It has widely support over the internet.