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How to make stylish div in very short way

Stylish div box

How to make Stylish div in very short time

Today we will learn how to make interactive box with div through html and css just you add simple css with in div tag. This box you will can use any where in your web when you will be developing web. It will very use full and help full for you. Now we getting start how to create interactive box. Now open your favourite editer like sumlime text 3 and make a structure of html and make simple div and put the simple css with in div tag.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div style="width: 300px; height: 300px; border: 1px solid; background-color: #9E64E1;">
 <h1 align="center">Stylish Div Box</h1>


Stylish Div Box

Now you can want to add every things in this box like Fourm, Quotes, Buttons etc place you want to any where.
<!DOCTYPE html>

<div style="width: 300px; height: 300px; border: 1px solid; background-color: #9E64E1;">
Example <input type="text" /> <br>
Example <input type="text" /> <br>
Example <input type="text" /> <br>